Sunday 11 March 2018


History of Sewu Temple Based on the history of Sewu Temple was built around the 8th century during the reign of King Rakai Panangkaran of the Sanjaya dynasty who ruled the Ancient Mataram Kingdom from 746 AD to 784 AD. But most likely this Sewu temple complex was restored and enlarged by the prince of Sanjaya dynasty descendant Rakai Pikatan. Rakai Pikatan from the Hindu Sanjaya dynasty who later married a daughter of the Buddhist Syailendra dynasty named Pramodhawardhani. This great marriage was finally able to marry the two great cultures of the two great dynasties that reigned at that time in Java in particular. The Buddhist Syailendra dynasty began to diminish its power at that time, while the Hindu Sanjaya dynasty was in its heyday. But this marriage turned out to finally be a unifier between the two great dynasties. And the people of the two dynasties can co-exist very harmoniously and peacefully. This can be seen from the construction of Sewu Temple which is a Buddhist Temple adjacent to precisely Prambanan Temple which is a Hindu Temple just 800 meters away. Approximately 6 years ago I was deliberately want to enjoy the temple swasana as if I want to commemorate the history of the heyday dynasties sanjaya in swasana cloudy drizzle I ran a small run fragrant fragrance fragrant fragrance fragrant taunya in the temple complex there is a flowering yellow tree and spread the fragrance where really fragrant like angel sweat with the background of the ruins of the magnificent temple in gerimi gentle I am sila closed my eyes silently somehow the call of the soul soon heard the footsteps and the sound of a small bell woke my semed appeared in front of me stood a brahmin and a beautiful little girl named nandha so bridal grandmother was like that pretty little girl holding a yellow cloth packet and a few cup of yellow flowers nandha is a grandson as well as a beautiful princess of royal noble family still remember her gaze a sweet smile that she greeted me gently like her I can men gartikan conversation sanscrit language he talked about and akupun so brahmana said nandha he is your brother also he grandson my best friend receipt gandhayamana km there is a soul mate with him nandha what do you say to swatu when heirloom who you find in the court of this sewu will meet with her soul mate a young boy who meditated beneath the begging kemuning this nandha smile and say he brahma grandparents when this sister meditate smua ruwang palace becomes fragrant flowers bloom kemuning long time nandha mananti at this time to entrust the heirloom to the soulmate then the small woman grandchildren brahma eh that approached me sister i leave something for you then the silk cloth bangkukan it I open the smell of fragrant flowers more fragrant from the heirloom straight cannabis iras it looks shiny dim to the brass I asked is proper i care for this heirloom nimas ayu nandha the little girl smile and grandson brahma menyuti km indeed My sister has long time my grandson waiting for time this is only km one is the one person who meditate under pojon kemuning this means km is someone who purple my beloved grandson this is the kris heirlooms that I accept and I put in front of me who is still sitting cross-legged sambi I pull my hand to respect with the hands worship sungkem then they are also smiling and suddenly disappeared mysteriously I was confused I realized that I entered the world of another world then I wake up from my semed how shocked when in front I have seen yellow shredded yellow tear that has been torn I open it turns a similar heirloom kris kanjeng kyai jabardas and resembling the gift of kumara kumara to remember the heirloom I give the name brahma nandha same with the spear heirloom minak orange I get from blambangan this heirloom is alhamdulilah during me care to be peaceful and peaceful rizki also easy to come and in search keris heirloom simple with a strong aura of kerejekian who knows who will be paired with her because of the nature I share please for the existing sreg in the heart ask for her hand if I aklas iklas off

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