Sunday 11 March 2018


History of Sewu Temple Based on the history of Sewu Temple was built around the 8th century during the reign of King Rakai Panangkaran of the Sanjaya dynasty who ruled the Ancient Mataram Kingdom from 746 AD to 784 AD. But most likely this Sewu temple complex was restored and enlarged by the prince of Sanjaya dynasty descendant Rakai Pikatan. Rakai Pikatan from the Hindu Sanjaya dynasty who later married a daughter of the Buddhist Syailendra dynasty named Pramodhawardhani. This great marriage was finally able to marry the two great cultures of the two great dynasties that reigned at that time in Java in particular. The Buddhist Syailendra dynasty began to diminish its power at that time, while the Hindu Sanjaya dynasty was in its heyday. But this marriage turned out to finally be a unifier between the two great dynasties. And the people of the two dynasties can co-exist very harmoniously and peacefully. This can be seen from the construction of Sewu Temple which is a Buddhist Temple adjacent to precisely Prambanan Temple which is a Hindu Temple just 800 meters away. Approximately 6 years ago I was deliberately want to enjoy the temple swasana as if I want to commemorate the history of the heyday dynasties sanjaya in swasana cloudy drizzle I ran a small run fragrant fragrance fragrant fragrance fragrant taunya in the temple complex there is a flowering yellow tree and spread the fragrance where really fragrant like angel sweat with the background of the ruins of the magnificent temple in gerimi gentle I am sila closed my eyes silently somehow the call of the soul soon heard the footsteps and the sound of a small bell woke my semed appeared in front of me stood a brahmin and a beautiful little girl named nandha so bridal grandmother was like that pretty little girl holding a yellow cloth packet and a few cup of yellow flowers nandha is a grandson as well as a beautiful princess of royal noble family still remember her gaze a sweet smile that she greeted me gently like her I can men gartikan conversation sanscrit language he talked about and akupun so brahmana said nandha he is your brother also he grandson my best friend receipt gandhayamana km there is a soul mate with him nandha what do you say to swatu when heirloom who you find in the court of this sewu will meet with her soul mate a young boy who meditated beneath the begging kemuning this nandha smile and say he brahma grandparents when this sister meditate smua ruwang palace becomes fragrant flowers bloom kemuning long time nandha mananti at this time to entrust the heirloom to the soulmate then the small woman grandchildren brahma eh that approached me sister i leave something for you then the silk cloth bangkukan it I open the smell of fragrant flowers more fragrant from the heirloom straight cannabis iras it looks shiny dim to the brass I asked is proper i care for this heirloom nimas ayu nandha the little girl smile and grandson brahma menyuti km indeed My sister has long time my grandson waiting for time this is only km one is the one person who meditate under pojon kemuning this means km is someone who purple my beloved grandson this is the kris heirlooms that I accept and I put in front of me who is still sitting cross-legged sambi I pull my hand to respect with the hands worship sungkem then they are also smiling and suddenly disappeared mysteriously I was confused I realized that I entered the world of another world then I wake up from my semed how shocked when in front I have seen yellow shredded yellow tear that has been torn I open it turns a similar heirloom kris kanjeng kyai jabardas and resembling the gift of kumara kumara to remember the heirloom I give the name brahma nandha same with the spear heirloom minak orange I get from blambangan this heirloom is alhamdulilah during me care to be peaceful and peaceful rizki also easy to come and in search keris heirloom simple with a strong aura of kerejekian who knows who will be paired with her because of the nature I share please for the existing sreg in the heart ask for her hand if I aklas iklas off


The story of "Garudeya" is closely related to the story of Samodramantana or Amretamantana is one episode of the story contained in the first part (parwa) epic Mahabharata, namely Adiparwa. The subject of the story concerns the family of Viyasa, precisely the story of Vyasa (Byasa) ganeologis with his two wives, Winata and Kadru along with dramatic events around the offspring of both of them. Upon request of each of his wives, who could not bear (stiril, barren), then Vyasa gave three eggs to Winata to be incubated. However, the successful hatch and perfect monster birth is just a, in the form of an anthrophomorphic (half-bird) creature called "Garudeya". The hundred eggs grown by Kadru, all hatched, in the form of a hundred snakes. Although Adiparwa's textual literature has been translated and translated in the Dharmmavamsa Tguh government (beginning of the XI AD) from Sanskreta to the Old Javanese letters and languages, but in the form of new visual literature comes as a temple relief during Majapahit (XIV century AD ). For example in Candi Kidal - the renovation of the Majapahit Golden Age, Kedaton and Sukuh. Among the three, the relief Garudeya in Kedaton Temple is the most number of panels reliefnya and coherent. While on Candi Kidal, only the key scene (scene scene), as many as three panels, carved in the pilaster (quasi-pole) the middle of the temple batur (soubasement) south, east and north. Directions read this relief prasawya, ie counterclockwise. There are structural considerations of determining the number of panels of reliefs and stories. Panil I (south side) binary opposite with panel III (north side). Whereas panel II (east side) becomes the liaison and also the key solution for changing the condition told in panil I to the condition told in panel III. Panil I recounts when Winata and her youngest son, Garudeya, lived life as slaves from Kadru. Garudeya's duties take care of the snakes of Kadru's son, as is visualized in this panel. In the relief depicted Garudeya shouldered the snakes on his shoulders. Winata and his son became slaves of the Kadru family, because he was defeated in a cunning manner by Kadru when betting in guessing the color of the horse Uchaiswara that poked out from the samodra of milk (samodra / ksirarwana) In accordance with the agreement, the losers became slaves of the winner. , the core conditions described are slavery or the shackles of human colonization over other human beings (imperalism, colonialism). Panil III recounts the incident when Garudeya managed to free or free her mother (Winata) from the practice of slavery Kadru. In this relief Garudeya depicted holding her mother on her back (carrying buri) to be flown leaving Kadru's residence. Thus, the core of events described is liberation or freedom. If panel I is positioned with panel III, then the binnery opposition, ie slavery (colonialism) versus freedom (independence). The transition of conditions from colonized to independence is explained by panel II, thanks to Garudeya's success in obtaining amreta (water of life, water of immortality) as a 'redeemer' for his enslavement, Garudeya must struggle to obtain Tirtha Amreta - as samodra sari milk - secured by Lord Vishnu, so much so that in the battle between Garudeya against Vishnu for amreta, Vishnu was almost invincible by it, it was agreed that Wisnu was willing to 'lend' the amreta for the redemption, provided that Garudeya wanted to be a vehicle ) In this panel II Garudeya is depicted amusing amreta in a container that resembles a cup of recording (kamandalu) .The essence of the events told is the struggle to free themselves from the bondage of slavery (colonialism) in order to gain freedom (independence). If the above three panels are lined linearly into right-handed pivils (Il), middle (II) and left (III), then it implies the following message: (a) right-end pane>


Singosari temple is located in Malang Regency, East Java, precisely in Candirenggo Village, Singosari District. 300m distance from Singosari District. The development of the Singosari Temple story can be attributed to King Kertanegara of the Singosari Kingdom. Singhasari Temple or Singasari Temple or Singosari Temple is a Hindu temple -Buddha historic heritage of Singhasari Kingdom. Based on his mention in the Negarakertagama Book of 37: 7 and 38: 3 and the Gajah Mada Inscription dated 1351 AD in the temple complex, this temple is a "dharma" place for the last Singasari king, Sang Kertanegara, who died in 1292 This temple was established together with the time of the ceremony Sraddha (ceremony to commemorate 12 years after the death) or the year 1304 AD, the reign of Raden Wijaya, King Majapahit I. If from the City of Malang Regency can be reached as far as approximately 10km to the North, while from Surabaya direction is approximately 88km to the south. To be able to go to Singosari Temple, can be reached by car or taxi vehicle either from Malang Regency or Surabaya City. Dwarpala statue is a statue of gatekeeper or door in the teachings of Shiva and Buddha, shaped human or animal. There are two statues located on the west site Singosari Temple. The site is in the form of two Dwarapala statues made of Monolithic stone with a height of 3.70m. While in Candirenggo Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency there are also 2 Dwarapala statues that are about 3.5m tall and located on the roadside, facing each other. The Dwarpala name itself is taken from Sanskrit meaning the doorman or the gatekeeper Singhasari is history as one of the proof of the greatness of the Indonesian nation. The kingdom / country that once was in Malang Regency became the forerunner to the birth of Indonesian archipelago and the nation today. Through Singhasari's descendants too, the great kings of the archipelago were born. From the area of ​​Malang Regency or precisely in Singosari Sub-district, Singhasari Country at that time has been able to plugged his power up to Sumatra, Malaysia, and Thailand to the west and Bali for the east. Singhasari at that time was a great kingdom that is highly respected. But unfortunately, the greatness of Singhasari can not be seen in full at this time. Because the historical artifacts are left and relatively awake only temple Singosari, Candi Kidal, Jago Temple, and Dwarapala Statue. While the statues that can be one of the hints of history that many are lost and destroyed. In fact, where the royal palace / Country Singhasari until now there has been no clear explanation. A number of disparate historians determine the true location of the Singhasari Palace

Saturday 10 March 2018


The vast expanse of sandy oceans with tall, towering Mount Batok, the beautiful Mount Bromo, and surrounded by mountains and rolling hills, are an extraordinary charm on Mount Bromo, located in Tengger, East Java. In the middle of the sea of ​​sand, stands a temple that became the place beristananya Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa worshiped by Hindus. The temple is named Pura Luhur Poten Gunung Bromo. This temple is a place of worship for Tengger people who are Hindus. Pura Luhur Poten stood in 2000. This temple became a place of worship of God Brohmo (God Brahma), which became the manifestation of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as the Creator. Bromo own name taken from the name of God Brohmo The temple building generally faces west, entering the temple towards the east as well as worship and worship facing east towards the rising sun. The main tourist destination is Penanjakan I, which is the most exotic place to watch the sunrise (sunrise) from behind the mountains. No wonder, the more tourists / visitors who come in the early morning to be able to see the sunrise is so beautiful. But travelers should prepare thicker clothes, gloves, headgear, and socks given the very cold temperatures. Around the mountaineering mountain, where the gods reside, there is also the hermit. And his activities every day is just adore and silence. One day a happy day, a wife gave birth to a boy who was named JOKO SEGER this child has a handsome face, bright light. It's really a child born like a sacred god. Since childbirth, the child showed great health and strength. JOKO SEGER itself has a healthy and strong meaning. In the vicinity of Mount penanjakan, also born baby girl named RORO ANTENG, this child has a beautiful face and beautiful. RORO ANTENG is the only one of the most beautiful children in the place in gunug bromo area. Day by day the body of RARA ANTENG grows big and looks so beautiful when he grows up. Many sons of the king proposed to him. But the proposal is rejected. Because RARA ANTENG is captivated by the JOKO SEGER's cruelty. The history of Mount Bromo continues when one day RARA ANTENG will be proposed by a very evil hijacker not only the Evil Beast is so Sakti mandraguna. RARA ANTENG famous fantasy persaannya not dare to simply refuse to the applicant magic. So he asked to make the sea in the middle of the mountain bromo. With a strange request he deems the applicant magic will not meet the request. The requested seas must be made overnight. not many thinkers then pirate pirates are then agreed to the request RARA ANTENG. The magician begins his work with a coconut shell or coconut shell, using all his magic, the work is almost complete. RORO Anteng was getting restless. He was afraid that someone he did not love would marry the Poet. Then came the thought to thwart the hijacker's work. Then came the ingenious idea, when it RORO ANTENG invite the community, especially the mothers to pound rice at midnight to wake the sleeping chicken. Chicken crowing while shouting. It was as if the dawn had arrived. The Sakti pirate heard the crowing of the chicken at the dawn of the day. Irritatedly he threw the coconut shell and fell beside the mountain bromo, the shell turned into a mountain called Mount Batok. Hearing that the pirate fails with his request, likes to smile and smile sweetly. And continue his relationship with JOKO SEGER, and until finally they became a happy couple. Behind their household. Evidently. ANTENG RORO is not in the gift of descent. REMUNING RORO ANTENG at the top of Mount Bromo. And begged the ruler. The ruler granted his request. With condition, if he got offspring, their youngest son must be sacrificed. RORO ANTENG undertakes that requirement. Then in the presence of their daughter of 25 children. But as we know if a mother's instinct is not willing to let her children become victims. So he broke the agreement with the god of the ruler. God became angry and there was a catastrophe in that place. Mount bromo began to devour into all the children roro anteng with fire that burns down the mountain bromo. After that incident, the sound of the unseen sounds so loud that: my beloved brothers, we have been sacrificed by our parents and hyang widi in the crater of bromo. I remember you. Every month on the day to-14 held offerings to hyang widi in the crater of Mount Bromo. that's the end of the Gun History story

Thursday 8 March 2018


temple in central java indonesia this temple is located in Bugisan Village, Prambanan District, Klaten Regency, about 1.5 km to the east of Sewu Temple. This temple is an ancient building complex which is divided into two, the Plaosan Lor temple complex (lor in the Java language means north) and Plaosan Kidul Temple complex (kidul in Java means south). The sculptures in Plaosan Temple are very smooth and detailed, similar to those found in Borobudur Temple, Sewu Temple, and Sari Temple Plaosan Temple which is a Buddhist temple by the experts estimated to be built during the reign of Rakai Pikatan of the Hindu Mataram Kingdom, which is at the beginning of the 9th century AD. One of the experts who support that opinion is De Casparis who holds the contents of Inscription Cri Kahulunan (842 M). In the inscription is stated that the Temple of Plaosan Lor built by Queen Sri Kahulunan, with the support of her husband. According to De Casparis, Sri Kahulunan is the title of Pramodhawardani, the daughter of King Samarattungga of Shailendra House. The Princess, who embraced Buddhism, married Rakai Pikatan from the Sanjaya House, who embraced Hinduism. Another opinion about the construction of Plaosan Temple is that the temple was built before the reign of Rakai Pikatan. According to Anggraeni, the meaning of Sri Kahulunan is Rakai Garung's mother who ruled Mataram before Rakai Pikatan. Rakai Pikatan government period is too short to be able to build a temple as Plaosan Temple. Rakai Pikatan built an ancillary temple after the construction of the main temple. In October 2003, in the complex near Perwara Temple in Plaosan Kidul temple complex was found an inscription that is estimated to date from the 9th century AD Inscription made of gold plate measuring 18.5 X 2.2 cm. it contains written in Sanskrit written using ancient Javanese letters. The contents of the inscription are still unknown, but according to Tjahjono Prasodjo, the epigraph assigned to read them, the inscription reinforces the notion that Plaosan Temple was built during the reign of Rakai Pikatan. Plaosan Lor Plaosan Lor Temple is an extensive enshrinement complex. In the front (west) complex of Plaosan Lor there are two pairs of Dwarapala statues facing each other, a pair located at the north entrance and a pair at the south entrance. Each of these man-height statues is in a sitting position on his right leg folded with his left leg bent in front of the body. His right hand holds a mace, while the left hand passes over the left knee. In the northern courtyard there is a square stone terrace surrounded by a row of boulders. Allegedly the stone terrace is a place to put offerings. It is said that on the terrace there was a building of wood, while on top of each peduncle was a statue of Dhyani Buddha. A similar but smaller-sized terrace is also located south of the Plaosan Lor Temple complex. In the north of Plaosan temple complex there are also 6 large stupas. In the center of Plaosan Lor temple complex there are two two-story building which is the main temple. Both buildings are facing west and each is surrounded by a stone fence. The stone walls that surround each of the main temples are surrounded by ancestral temples that originally numbered 174, consisting of 58 small temples berdenah square base and 116 buildings in the form of a stupa. Seven temples line up on each north and south side of each main temple, 19 temples line east or behind both main temples, while 17 more temples line up in front of the two main temples. Almost all the perwara temples are currently in a state of disintegration. plaosan11a_rifa.jpgplaosan11b_rifa.jpg In every corner of the ancillary temple there is still another small temple surrounded by two rows of pedestals that are also interspersed with a small temple again in every corner. On the western side of the stone fence surrounding each of the main buildings there is a gate of gurura paduraksa, with roofs adorned with small rows of crowns. The top of the gate roof is square with a small crown on it. Each of the main temple buildings stood on the feet about 60 cm tall without the corridor that surrounds his body. The ladder to the door is fitted with a staircase that has a dragon headdress on its base. The door frame was decorated with floral sculptures and tendrils. Above the threshold there is a headless Kala without a lower jaw. Along the outer walls of the bodies the two main temples are decorated by reliefs depicting men and women who are standing in size close to the true human size. Relief on the walls of the temple in the south depicts the man, while in the temple in the north

Monday 26 February 2018


CandI Badut is one of the historical heritages in Malang Regency and is the oldest temple in East Java. In 1921 ago, Candi Badut was found in the middle of rice fields. All that was visible was a mound of rocks, ruins and dirt, even on top of some banyan trees. The first person to preach the existence of this Badut Temple is Maureen Brecher, a Dutch controller who works in Malang. four years after being discovered, this temple was renovated for the first time. Furthermore, to further beautify the temple and perfect the form, restoration done again that is in the year 1990-1991. Historical relics that need to be preserved and preserved this existence, estimated to have been more than 1400 years old. Even believed to be a Temple Clown temple relics of King Gajayana, the ruler of the kingdom of Kanjuruhan as embodied in the inscription of Dinoyo in 760 AD. Clown Temple building itself is divided into 3 parts, namely the foot of the temple, the temple body, and the head of the temple. A main temple building with Durga Statue, located in the north, while Lingga Yoni can be found inside the temple body. In this area, we can also find the foundation of ancestral temple in the form of 1 statue of Nondi and Lingga Yoni, and the ruins of stone temple arranged in the yard. If you're on a tour of the Clown Temple, you will see that this temple faces west and is surrounded by mountains. Some of the mountains surrounding the Clown Temple are Mount Kawi in the south, Mount Arjuna in the west, Mount Tengger in the north and Mount Semeru in the east. This statue was performed in 760, and the ceremony was performed by the Vedic priests. At that time the king of the land, the oxen, the slaves and all the necessities necessary to carry out the ceremony. The king also ordered to build buildings for the needs of brahmans and guests To be able to enjoy the cultural heritage that is open every day from 08:00 to 15:00 pm, visitors are not subject to special rates. Because in addition to the historical tour, this temple is also often used as a religious ceremony for Hindus. The route that must be taken to get to the location if using a private vehicle from the city of Malang, namely first to Jl. Retawu to the north of the Brawijaya Museum. Follow the road west through Jl. Bondowoso, Jl. Raya Tidar, Jl. Puncak Mandala, Jl. Peak Yamin, Jl. Esberg, then turn right past the end of Jl. Himalayas (Arjosari-Tidar / AT) route microbus base. From here we will be able to meet Jl. VD Temple, where the location of the temple is on the left of the road, right in front of TK Dharma Wanita II Karangbesuki. However, if using public transportation, from the city of Malang we can ride mikrolet Arjosari-Tidar (AT) and down at the corner Jl. Himalayas. From here, we have to walk to the north approximately 300 meters, to reach the location of the temple. Facilities provided in the area of ​​historical tour of Candi Badut, is 1 (one) place information, 1 (one) bathroom and parking lot. Various snacks can also be found easily if we feel hungry or thirst when traveling at Temple Clown.

Friday 23 February 2018


Prior to the 1883 eruption, seismic activity around Krakatoa was very high, causing a number of earthquakes to be felt as far as Australia. On May 20, 1883, the steam release began to occur regularly in Perboewatan, the northernmost island of the Krakatau Islands. The release of volcanic ash reached a height of up to 6 km and the sound of the eruption was heard up to Batavia (now Jakarta), which is 160 km from Krakatau. Volcanic activity declined in late May, and no further activity was recorded until the next few weeks. [Need a reference] The eruption again occurred on June 16, which caused a loud eruption and covered the island with thick black clouds for five days. On June 24, a blasting east wind cleared the cloud, and two fog rolls rose from Krakatau. This eruption is believed to have caused the emergence of two new ventilation formed between Perboewatan and Danan. Mountain activity also causes the tide in the vicinity to be very high, and ships at the port must be moored with chains to avoid being dragged by the sea. Earthquake shocks began to be felt in Anyer, West Java, and Dutch ships reported on the existence of a large floating stone floating in the Indian Ocean to the west. On August 11, the Dutch topographist, Captain H. J. G. Ferzenaar, began investigating the island. He found three rolls of ash covering the island, and steam release from at least eleven other vents, mostly in Danan and Rakata. Upon landing, Ferzenaar notes a layer of ash as thick as 0.5 m, and the destruction of all island vegetation, leaving only tree stumps. The next day, a passing ship reported on the existence of a new vent which is "only a few meters above sea level". Krakatau volcanic activity continues until mid-August On August 25, the eruption is on the rise. At around 13:00 on the 26th of August, Krakatoa entered a paroxyped phase. An hour later, observers can see a black ash cloud with a height of 27 km (17 mi). At this moment, eruptions occur continuously and explosions are heard every ten minutes. Sailing vessels within 20 km (12 mi) of Krakatau have been bombarded with thick ash, with pieces of hot pumice nearly 10 cm (3.9 in) in diameter landed on the deck of the ship. A small tsunami hit the coast of Java and Sumatra nearly 40 km (25 mi) away at 18.00 and 19.00. On August 27, four major eruptions occurred at 05.30, 06.44, 10.02, and 10:41 local time. At 5:30, the first eruption occurred in Perboewatan, which triggered a tsunami toward Teluk Betung. At 06:44, Krakatau erupted again in Danan, causing a tsunami in the east and west. The big eruption at 10:02 was so loud and nearly 3,110 km (1,930 mi) away to Perth, Western Australia and Rodrigues in Mauritius (4,800 km (3,000 mi) away). Residents there thought that the eruption was a gunshot sound from a nearby ship. Each eruption is accompanied by a tsunami wave, whose height is believed to reach 30 m in some places. The areas of the Sunda Strait and some parts of the coast of Sumatra are also affected by the pyroclastic flows of volcanoes. The energy released from the explosion is estimated to be equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT, [2] roughly four times stronger than the Tsar Bomba (the most powerful thermonuclear weapon ever blown up). At 10.41, a landslide that knocked down half of Rakata triggered a final eruption The ships that sailed far into South Africa also reported tsunami shocks, and the bodies of the victims floated in the ocean for months after the incident. The town of Merak, Banten was devastated by the tsunami, as well as cities along the northern coast of Sumatra up to 40 km (25 mi) away to the mainland. [6] As a result of the eruption of Krakatau, the islands of the Krakatau Islands almost completely disappeared, except for three islands in the south. The Rakata cone volcano is separated along a vertical cliff, leaving a 250-meter (250-ft) deep caldera. Of the two islands in the north, only the rocky islands are named Bootsmansrots are left; Poolsche Hoed also disappeared completely. A year after the eruption, the average global temperature dropped 1.2 ° C. The weather pattern remained irregular for many years, and the temperature was never normal until 1888. [need a refer